About Me
Part of why I connect so genuinely with my clients is because I 100% get them. Like the women I work with, I’ve always been an ambitious high-achiever.
I always knew I wanted a big career. I loved to work hard, and I was proud of my work ethic. I grew up in a family that had a successful financial services business, and it was assumed I’d follow in their financial footsteps. And for a while, I was totally fine with that.
By my early 20s, I was working for a large company, making tons of money in the financial tech industry. I moved up quickly. My bosses gave me lots of responsibility.
I was working 100 hours a week, driving a cool car, living in a sweet apartment, hanging out with my girlfriends, and hitting up happy hours like crazy. I should have been having the time of my life.
But somewhere in the midst of the busyness, the pressure, the late nights, the high-flying, it hit me: the truth was, I was actually pretty damn miserable.
I was constantly looking to my bosses, my co-workers, my salary, my stuff to make me feel okay. But I didn’t feel okay. All my validation came from outside myself. I had no idea how to even connect with what I really wanted out of life, let alone how to make it happen.
I craved a real partnership and longed for true intimacy — but my romantic life felt like a rotating door of dismal failures. All the skills that brought me such success in my career did not seem to apply at all to my relationships with men.
In relationships, I didn’t know how to be present or available. I had no tools to move forward or communicate. Most of my life was lived in my head, and I couldn’t connect with my body or my emotions. I didn’t know how to heal or grow from disappointments or lost loves. I didn’t know how to attract the kinds of men who would have been a good match for me. Dating apps felt like an endless abyss of Instagram-filtered relationship resumes. And if a good guy did come along, the vulnerability felt foreign and terrifying to me ... so I’d bail or sabotage.
I looked around me, and all my friends my age were partnering off, getting married, starting families. Would I ever get my turn? The voice in my head kept repeating: What’s wrong with you? Why can’t you get it right?
On paper, I had it all — but something monumental was missing, and I sensed it went deeper than just not having a romantic partner. I also realized that driving myself and working long hours was the perfect way to avoid dealing with that loneliness and lack of self-trust.
I longed for something different.
Not long after my realization, I met a female life coach. Her whole deal was centered around the sacred feminine, sexuality, intimacy, and desire. So basically the opposite of everything in my life.
She invited me to a class, and even though it all felt so unknown, I jumped at it. Something in me was drawn to her — her energy, her confidence, her genuine contentment.
In that class, I encountered a truth that I had suspected but that I had never heard articulated before: my ambition and my success were not some pesky problem that was keeping me from finding love. I wasn’t worthy of less just because I liked having a career.
I didn’t have to choose between being a strong, capable woman and being a loved, tender, cared-for, passionate woman. I just had to learn how to allow myself to be all of those things, in all their complexity and vulnerability and power.
That was the journey I had never taken, the deep-down work I had been avoiding by burying myself in my busyness. And I suspected I wasn’t alone in this.
I felt everything inside me shift. This is what’s been missing.
That same day, I signed up for the 6-month coaching program. Not long after, I fell in love, moved to New York with my partner, and started my own business.

In the process of doing this work (and helping other successful, ambitious women embark on their own journeys), I’ve discovered the power of showing up for my own life. So much changes when you agree to do that one thing.
I understand so intimately what the women I work with are struggling with, because I’ve been there myself.
I know exactly what it’s like to move from constant work and distraction to making choices from a place of presence and attention. To go from disconnection to intentionally tuning into my body and connecting with what I really want and need. To transform my perspective so that natural endings aren’t labeled as “failures” but are recognized as empowering opportunities for growth and gratitude. To go from avoidance to communicating with confidence. To learn how to trust myself again and draw my validation from inside myself instead of always from outside myself. To find my voice, finally.
I know this different kind of work now, and I know that it’s worth it.
I'm a big believer that relationships are the best opportunity for our growth. Showing up whole — meaning you’re not showing up expecting someone to fix or complete you — allows you to expand even more.
Ten years ago, I never would have imagined that: communication in dating could be easy and amicable, that my needs could be met and more. But that’s what’s there when we clear the gunk away, heal the old wounds, rewrite the old stories.
What I mean is: this work works.
I know that whoever you are, whatever you’ve been through, wherever you are in your relationship journey, whatever you want — I can help connect you with that vibrant part of yourself that often gets buried in work, in long hours, in people-pleasing, in old habits and exhausting cycles.
I give successful, ambitious women in their 30s who are ready for a relationship the tools they need to give and receive real love and find a partner to share it all with.
You have the internal resources to make a life that feels right to you and brings you an immense amunt of joy.
If you’re ready to take that first step, I want to invite you to join my FREE virtual workshop, How to Find Your Partner in Crime. In this workshop, I will show you how it’s 100% possible for an ambitious, hard-working woman just like you to find love, understand men in a whole new way, and finally trust yourself again.
To reserve your spot, just click the button below!